What is your objective?
Our goal is to identify strategic locations that are owned and operated by Public School Boards and Public Hospitals throughout Georgia that are adjacent to interstates and other county and city high traffic roads, where commercial businesses will pay to advertise.
This strategy will open desirable advertising locations to supporting commercial businesses, while also providing needed funds and exposure to participating schools, school boards and public hospitals with no financial or operational requirement whatsoever.
How is this fundraiser different?
Simply put, our program is 100% passive fundraising revenue. Whereas traditional fundraisers require planning, staffing, groundwork, and upfront costs which at times barely yields a 20% return on revenue after requiring an incredible effort and many times a front-end investment.
Additionally, we do not seek to replace other sources of fundraising; we seek to boost and enhance your ability to drive a significant amount of ongoing funding.
Can we utilize space on the Digital Media Center?
Yes, a VMI Digital Media Center provides all participating locations even more value with daily messages to communicate what is important for you to share, with your community.
How will the funds be used?
While we do not assume to tell an organization, or board of trustees how to distribute fundraising dollars, it is our hope that some, or all of these funds, will be used to address specific, unfunded ground-level needs. For example: staff incentives, new equipment, uniforms, travel, scholarships, special programs, technology, and supplies.
How will the funds be distributed?
Guaranteed payment will be issued every month, with a quarterly 'true up' that is designed to bring the total fundraising value up to the 50% of net advertising revenue generated.
What are the implications of receiving funds?
Our expectation is a public, or non-profit entity would have the same tax obligation that would be associated with any other Fundraiser program. Determining parameters and eligibility recommendations can be provided on a case-by-case basis, if needed.
Are you a for-Profit company?
Yes, VISTA Media, Inc. has operated in Metro Atlanta as a Marketing and Communications firm since 1985 and participated in many philanthropic causes, this program was born out of the total drop off in traditional fundraising during, and now after the COVID pandemic.
What is the timeline from a signed agreement to operation?
Typically, within 180 days from time of the approval of this fundraiser, a VMI Media Center Digital Sign can be up and operational generating advertising revenue. In some cases this time frame could be less depending on administrative requirements, structure fabrication schedules, installation, and advertising ramp up period.
Is there really 'no cost' and 'no lift' to myself, staff or organization?
Correct. VISTA Media, Inc. assumes all financial risk of funding VMI Media Center Digital Signs and their operation, maintenance and management.
What is legal precedence for placing a Digital Media Center structure on public vs. private property?
The VISTA Media, Inc. legal team has performed all required due diligence for the erection of structures and will provide detailed case history examples upon request. VISTA Media, Inc. will clearly demonstrate the rights of a public entity to engage in land leases as a means of generating funds to cover tax revenue shortfalls.
What are the environmental impacts of LED signage vs, traditional fundraising?
We are committed to the environmental standards set not only by our industry, but our personal beliefs as avid outdoor enthusiasts.
We consider our program to be the 'Quiet Fundraiser' always working in the background 24/7 and utilizing minimal energy resources. There is nothing to buy, space to rent, pamphlets to print, event catering, fuel for transportation, setting up of tables, raffles or knocking on doors.
VISTA Media, Inc. in coordination with our fabrication and installation partners can provide additional studies and findings upon request.
What are the impacts on surrounding areas?
We proactively seek out a balance in our location choices based on: safety, DOT traffic counts, property viability, low/no impact on any residential areas. Each Digital Media Center is equipped with QR accessible information for public education on this program. VMI seeks to be a good community steward and share openly the positive impacts on behalf of you, the board members and administrative staff who partner with us.
What is the cost of no action?
While we work collaboratively with the DOT, if another commercial Digital Media Center is erected within a predetermined area, near your location(s) our ability to offer this fundraising program is greatly impacted.
Our entire offering is based on a simple 'shift' in placement. By erecting a Digital Media Center on publicly owned property vs. private land, there is an immediate benefit to public fundraising objectives and serving the greater good.
Confidentiality - You agree by proceeding beyond this page that the information provided in this document is strictly confidential and is disclosed solely for the purpose of evaluating potential business opportunities with VISTA Media, Inc. The recipient agrees to exercise the utmost discretion in safeguarding the confidentiality of this information and to refrain from disclosing, reproducing, or disseminating any part of this business plan to any third party without the express written consent of VISTA Media, Inc. Any unauthorized use, disclosure, or distribution of this information may result in legal action, financial penalties, and injunctive relief to protect the proprietary interests of VISTA Media, Inc. This confidentiality agreement remains valid for a period of 60 months from the date of viewing.
One of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn't as individuals.
Our Mission
The important work of funding comminity needs through communications.

Our Vision
Low-risk, high yield strategies to help your community efforts generate incremental funding.